Health and Fitness

Obesity is a serious hazard

Extra fat puts a strain on heart, kidneys and liver as well as large weight bearing joints such as hips,Knees and ankles which ultimately shortens the life span.

Longer the belt shorter the life



Persons who are generally bored,unhappy,lonely or unloved those who are discontented with their families usually tend to overeat as eating is a pleasure and solace to them.

Glandular disorder

Obesity is sometimes result of disturbances of thyroid or pituitary glands. But Glandular disorder accounts for 2 percent of total incidence of obesity.

In such persons basal metabolism is low and they keep gaining weight unless they take a low calorie diet.


The chief consideration is balanced selection of nutrients.

Step 1: Juice fast for first 10 days

To begin with, Patients should take a juice fast for first 10 days. Juices of lemon,grapefruit,orange,pineapple,cabbage,celery may be taken during this period.

Step 2: Fruit diet

After the juice fast patient should spend a four to five days on all fruit diet, three meals of fresh juicy fruits such as oranges,grapefruit,pineapple and papaya.

Step 3: Low calorie well balanced diet

Patient gradually embark upon a low calorie well balanced diet of three basic food groups

  1. seeds, nuts and grains

2. Vegetables

3. Fruits with emphasis on raw fruits, vegetables and juices.

Avoid high fat foods such as cream , butter, chocolate,fat meats,fries food and gravies.

Avoid high carbohydrated foods like bread, candy,sugar,syrup,alcohol

Step 4: Apply Fletcherism

This method was discovered by Horace fletcher of the USA in 1898.

Rules for Fletcherism

  1. Chew your food to pulp
  2. Never eat untill hungary
  3. Do not when tired or angry

Step 5  Take essential ingradients for fat burning

Honey is an excellent home ready for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body.

Fasting on honey lime juice is highly beneficial.

Cabbage is considered to be a effective remedy for obesity. It contains tartaric acid inhibits the conversion of sugar and carbohydrates into fat.

Take cabbage salad


Step 6: Do regular exercise and try to be active in your lifestyle. Avoid sedentary lifestyle and try to remain happy or calm.


Kidney Stones- A fairly Common disorder

The formation of stones in kidney or urinary tract is fairly common disorder. The sones are formed from the chemicals in the urine such as uric acid, phosphorus,calcium and oxalic acid.

How stones form?

Stones form when concentration of the particular substance exceeds its solubility.


Pain in the side, in the groin and thighs.

Painfull urination




chills and shock


The formation of stones in the kidneys is the result of defects in general metabolism.They usually occurs when urine become highly concentrated due to heavy perspiration or insufficient intake of fluids.The major causes are

  1. Sedentary lifestyle
  2. Excess intake of acid forming foods, white flour,sugar products,tea,coffee,spice,overeating
  3. Excess intake of vitamin D


Step 1: Avoid foods which irritate the kidneys.

The foods considered irritant for the kidneys are

Alcoholic beverages



certain vegetables like cucumbers,radishes,tomatoes,spinach,rhubarb,water cress.

carbonated waters

Step 2: Avoid high intake of milk or vitamin D

High intake of milk can cause calcium-phosphate stones.

Step 3:Take kidney beans 

Kidney beans also known as french beans are regarded as effective remedy for kidney stones. It was Dr Ramm of Germany who first discovered the value of kidney beans as a medicine for kidney and bladder troubles.

The method prescribed by him to prepare the medicine is

  • Remove the beans inside the pods
  • Slice the pods
  • Put about 60 mg in 4 litres of hot water
  • Boiling slowly for 4 hours
  • Liquid should be strained through fine muslin and then allowed to cool for about 8 hours. Step 4: Take a low protein diet and 3000 ml of fluids daily.

         Step 5:  Patient should be given a large hot enema.



Defective vision is a common problem nowadays.

Causes of Defective Vision

The three Chief causes are

Mental strain

Wrong diet

Improper blood and nerve supply


Eye exercises

  1. Keep your head still and relax.Gently move the eyes up and down six times.Repeat this twice or thrice at two second intervals
  2. Move the eyes from side to side as far as possible
  3. Hold the index finger of your right hand about eight inches in front of the eyes,then look from the finger to any large object ten or more feet away -the door or window will do.Do this exercise fairly rapidly
  4. Move the eyes up gently and slowly in a circle, then move them low in reverse direction.Do this four times in all



Natural uncooked foods are the best diet.These include fresh fruits such as oranges,apples,grapes,peaches,plums,cherries,green vegetables like lettuce, cabbage,spinach.

Avoid large white sugar, white bread , cakes , cream.



Alcoholism refers to addiction of alcohol.It is a chronic disorder in which person is unable to refrain from frequent and excessive consumption of alcohol for physical and psychological reasons.


anxiety, sadness ,depression and mental stress are primary reasons for alcoholism


Step 1:  Build the body's Nutritional integrity 

Patient should be on Juice fast for 10 days.During this period patient should have juice after every 2 hours from 8 am to 8 pm.

Juice can be fruit juice or vegetable juice. It depends upon the taste of the person.During the juice fast patient will usually feel no craving for alcohol.This will give a good 10 day start towards breaking of drinking habit.

Apples are considered valuable in treatment of alcoholism. The raw celery juice is also considered useful.It has a sobering effect and is an antidote to alcohol.

Step 2:  Body Rest and Outdoor exercise

Yogic asans for general health such as padmasan, vajrasan,vakrasan,yogamudra are very beneficial.



Step 3: Avoid refined foods

All refined products such as sugar,white rice,white flour and meat should be avoided.




Fasting -The Master Remedy


Fasting is abstinence from a food for a varying length of time. Fasting is the oldest and and least expensive method to treat diseases.

Types of intermittent fasting and the benefits of each - Insider



The causes of disease is the accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the body which results from overeating.

The fat of the land: Estimating the ecological costs of overeating


How Fasting is beneficial?

It gives time to the body to heal the system. Our filter organs like kidneys, liver , intestines gets time to remove waste from the body.Seven body organs you can live without

How to do fasting?

Fasting requires awareness about duration of fasting and what to eat in fasting

Duration of fasting

It is advisable to take series of short fasts for two to three days and then gradually increse the duration of fast. Take a 15 to 16 hrs of fasting in a day.

How to do it?

Take your dinner at 7 pm and take juice or milk in morning at 9 pm. Take full balanced meal at 11 am to 12 pm

The best and safest method is juice fasting.According to the doctor ranger berg, the world famous authority on nutrition during fasting body burn up and excretes huge amounts of accumulated wastes.We can help this cleaning process by drinking alkaline juice instead of water fasting. Elimination of uric acid and other inorganic acids will be accelerated.Sugars in juice will strengthen the heart. Juice fasting is best form of fasting

Breaking of fast

The main rules are

do not overeat

eat slowly

chew your food



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