Truth of Bhagat Singh-Ideologies of Bhagat Singh


Generally we link Bhagat singh with weapons and violence. But he was one of the great intellectuals of the country.Some historians have idea that bhagat singh had readed over 250 books before arrest and 300 books after arrest. He was also very good in writing and his various articles were published in kirti,akali,veer arjun and pratap (Famous Magazines of that time)


Bhagat Singh - Wikipedia

3 Major Idealogies of Bhagat Singh


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Socialism or communism? A note on the terminology — Institute of Economic  Affairs

  Bhagat singh was very influenced by Karl Marx,Lenin and socialist ideologies.It pained him when he saw how society treated farmers,labourers, factory workers.He wants to fight for the downtrodden people of the society. His inspiration comes across in his prize winning essay of 1923 where he quotes for the Guru Gobind Singh. 

Braves are those who fight for the downtrodden

Even if the limbs are torn apart,he does not surrender

It means brave man is a man who fight for the injustice even if he has to lose his limbs.

The major objective of the all freedom fighters was to get freedom from british raj, But bhagat singh ideology was to get freedom from exploitation ,It does not matter who is going to rule the country indian or british but major object is to achieve equality, socialism.

These ideology of bhagat singh is conveyed in his famous message  february 1931. 

Political Revolution is indespensable pre condition but ultimate objective is socilaist revolution.

His famous slogans were

Long live socialism

Down with imperialism

Imperialism to Decolonization - Health10 Global History

Internationalism is the ideology in which bhagat singh believes.He wrote an article which was titled Vishwa prem published in a megazine from calcutta .'Matwala' in 1924.

How great is the idea 'let everyone be your own and no one be stranger.'

How beautifull will thar time be when unfamillarity would not remain in the world?

In this article he praises the poet who envisioned the idea of world as family.

 Bhagat singh mentioned his ideology of athesim and secularism in his article : Why i am Athesit?

He writes in his article if God exists then why injustice exists . 




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