Secrets of Food Combining
The digestion and assimilation of food is physical,chemical and physiological one.When food enters the body,It undergo several changes before it is broken down into its constituent parts.
The most important rule of Food combining
Avoid Mixing protein and carbohydrate concentrated foods.
Protein takes 2 to 6 hours to digest depends upon the complexity of protein. When protein is taken with starch concentrated food it causes fermentation of food which leads to indigestion and gas in stomach.

Animal food proteins such as meats,fish,cheese require very high concentration of hydrochloric acid.Their gastric digestion is greatly inhibited by carbhohydrate fermentation in the stomach.This will produce more gas and increased discomfort.
Eating meat,potatoes,bread and sweets should be specially avoided.
Protein foods are best digested with salads.Primary protein foods such as nuts,seeds and soyabeans also combine very well with acid fruits like oranges,pineapple,grapefruit and lemons.
These vegetables and fruits are rich source of vitamin C which aids protein digestion.
Second important rule of food Combination
Avoid mixing proteins and fats at the same meal.
Fat in food inhibits the secretion of gastric juice through the wall. When fat concentrated food is taken with protein food,it leads to gastric catabolism decrease by increase in lipid concentration in the stomach.Fat will remain undigested in the stomach untill gastric juices complete their work on complex molecules.

Although protein foods contain high concentration of fat,such lipids held in suspension wait in intestine without disturbing the gastric action.
Butter,oil covers the mucosa layer and it inhibits the gastric secretion.
Third important rule of food Combination
Avoid mixing carbohydrates and acid fruits in the same meal.The starch splitting enzyme tyalin present in saliva plays a vital role in digestion of carbhohydrates.But this enzyme requires alkaline medium for its proper functioning. When it is taken with acid fruits it leads to the indigestion of carbhohydrate
Tomatoes should not be taken with starches like potatoes or bread.

Ideal Practice is
Fruit meal in breakfast

starch meal with salad in lunch
protein meal with a salad and non starchy vegetable for dinner

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